Friday, July 3, 2009

How to Cure a Vaginal Yeast Infection

What are the "best yeast infection cures"? There are several ways to cure this common women's disease. There are tried and tested simple home remedies, which claim to be effective in the treatment of yeast infection. And of course there are medications both oral and external which are prescribed by doctors as well.

In this article we will be discussing what is believed to be the "best cure for yeast infection". Before we address this issue we need to fully understand the disease.

What are the symptoms and risks associated with this disease. Candidiasis, also known as, vaginal yeast infection, ranges from mild oral rash, to severe vaginal candidiasis, and penile candidiasis. It is usually accompanied by a strong oder. It can also manifest into a life-threatening disease like fungemia. This disease is considered very common and people who are affected are not likely to have grave consequences. However without proper treatment this problem does not only cause embarrassment, but can cause extreme discomfort and pain to an infected person.

Some home remedies such as the application of yogart are believed to cure the disease or at least relieve itchiness. There are a large number of so called "remedies" that can be found on the internet. Another home treatment is the application of cooled aloe vera juice on the affected area, which will help relieve itchiness, but not cure the disease. Making a paste from elm powder and water and then applying it to infected area will also sometimes relieve the itchiness.

Besides home-made treatments, there are also over-the-counter and doctor prescribed prescription drugs that are used to treat the infection. In treating the infected area, patients have two options: oral and topical medications. The most widely prescribed topical treatments are clotrimazol, nystatin, and ketoconazole.

However, since the candidiasis is caused by the disruption of the physiological process within the body, most of these remedies only mask the symptoms without actually addressing the cause of the infection.

As a long time sufferer of this all to common problem, I have only found one remedy which gives the long term results that I look for. To find out more on the "best cures for yeast infection" see my authors bio box.

Author,Meredith Rogers is a former sufferer of cronic yeast infection and now has a website helping women in the treatment of their medical issues. Visit her website and learn more about the most effective treatment and information on "how to cure yeast infection"

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