Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do I Need a Home Inspection? - Real Estate Advice

Most home inspections today run between $300 to over $1000 and sometimes you don't really get your moneys worth. There are home inspection companies that guarantee, any problems that they miss will be repaired at their expense over a desired period of time, usually a year. It seems like, most home inspection companies are just inspecting the property and have no guarantees or liability from their inspection.

It's not a good idea to buy or sell a home without getting a home inspection from a licensed home inspector. This is like having a second opinion from someone who is usually skilled in the process. I would like to point something out to unsuspecting, potential home buyers and sellers. Sometimes a home inspection company will get a little behind in their work and need to hire other home inspectors if these home inspectors don't have any experience in the construction business or have never inspected a home before. In other words there fresh out of home inspector school. You might not get a good home inspection.

You can always ask the question, how long have you been in business?... How long have you been a home inspector?... have you ever worked in the construction business or have any skills in home building and remodeling. If the answers to these questions are satisfactory, it doesn't mean, that they're telling the truth and being sincere and could lead to problems later if they are lying to you.

Let me rephrase the question now, "Do I Need a Home Inspection" from an unqualified home inspector? Absolutely not. But how can you really tell the difference and is the report going to be worth the money that you paid for it.

What would you say, if I had the solution to your problem. How about a pre-home inspection, using a home buyers checklist? What if I could give you a check list with questions, that you could ask your home inspector? Some of these questions are not going to be part a regular inspection but should always be asked and make sure you get the answers to them, before purchasing the property.

Would you be interested now? What if I told you, for under $20, you could purchase a home buyers checklist, now for the tough question, this checklist could save you thousands of dollars and prevent you from purchasing a home with major construction problems or defects, and can be used on every house you look at.

Don't buy a home without purchasing a professional home inspection checklist. These lists of questions can save you some serious headaches and stress in the future.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas.

Plywood Roof Sheeting - Roof Framing Trade Secrets

Most framing contractor's look at the building plans and order all of the material, according to those that are specified on the plans. This works out fine, and can often save you money, but rarely produces the best home that you could possibly frame.

As a professional framing contractor, I would like to share one of my house framing tips with you. Most plans require half-inch plywood or oriented strand board as their roof sheeting. This product is fine and if you're building a lot of homes, you're not going to have the choice. Ordering larger sized plywood could cost you thousands of dollars, especially if you're building a lot of homes.

However, if your framing or building a home for someone or even yourself, you might want to take my advice and think twice about it, before ordering the roof sheeting. Half-inch plywood, works okay for 16 inch on center roof rafters or engineered truss roofing systems. It doesn't work well on 24 inch on center roof rafters spacing.

It is usually flimsy and weak at the center point, directly in between the 24 inch roof rafter bays. If you're going to use the half-inch plywood, I would recommend using plywood clips that are relatively inexpensive and can be placed in the direct center of each roof rafter bay on each sheet of plywood. These can be purchased at most home improvement centers or lumber yards.

The other alternative, and this is what I recommend, would be to use 5/8 inch plywood. This plywood works great for 24 inch on center roof rafters and you will have a nice sturdy roof to walk on, while roofing your home.

I have actually seen people step through the flimsy plywood, while lifting heavy roof tiles and bundles of composition roof shingles. Experienced roofers try to walk directly on top of the roof rafters, when loading their roof shingles or even carrying them on the roof.

If you're a home builder and your concern is about making a profit, you will need to use the half-inch plywood. If you want to build a superior roof, use the 5/8 of an inch plywood.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link House Framing Contractors.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a excellent home inspection checklist to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Subfloor Damage From Poor Bathtub Installation - Read Bath Tub Fixture Manuals

You should never under estimate the amount of damage that water can do to your wood subfloor. Especially if this wood is underneath your bathtub. If the bathtub is not installed properly, you could find yourself replacing the wood underneath, within a short period of time. This repair is not uncommon and as more homeowners and handyman seemed to be doing projects like these, without the proper experience, it's becoming even more common.

I wish I had a solution to the problem, however, I don't. The best advice I could give anyone who is going to be involved in any home remodeling project, would be to get some books on what ever task you are about to undertake and read all of the information that you possibly can about the products you are going to be installing. This is extremely helpful for anyone who has never installed a bathtub or any bathtub fixtures.

If the product fails and was installed properly, the manufacturer should be responsible for the water damage. I have been reading the manufacturer's installation manuals for quite some time now and every once in a while, I find something that is of great value to me and I get to pass it on to my readers. That's what I'm doing right now.

Whether you want to remodel your bathroom to save money or you want to accomplish a task that you haven't done yet. I would recommend, taking the time to understand, exactly how the water flows off of and on to another section of the bath tub or shower on its way to the drain. Understanding the basics of bathroom remodeling can save you big money in the future.

Save yourself some money and make sure that you install your bathtubs properly. Taking a little time before you start to read the bath tub fixture manuals, can save you some money and grief in the future.

Find More Facts On Home Water Damage.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Check out These Amazing Home Damage Videos.

Five Things That a Termite Inspection Company Might Not Ever Say

I don't think that I've ever heard of a termite inspector, ever go to a home and not find any termites. Even if the home doesn't have any damage that is visible from the termites, it seems like it's always a good idea, to tent the home, just in case, for protection. Anyway, here's five things that you might not ever hear a termite inspector ever say.

1. Your house is free of termites. This means that there isn't, one termite on your property and the termite inspector isn't going to make any money. Let's face it, termite damage, whether it's visible or invisible, keeps these guys working.

2. Your house isn't going to fall down, if I don't do anything to stop the termites. I have seen homes, where termites have been working on them for quite some time and they still seem to stand up and function properly.

3. Termites don't eat much and I wouldn't worry about the damage. Most termite inspectors will tell you how much a termite in Hawaii or Africa will eat in a day, but doesn't seem to have an honest idea, how much damage they are doing to your home, if they can't actually see it.

4. Every one that works for our company, has at least 30 years experience, repairing any termite damage. Don't even get me started with this one.

5. We will replace all of the termite damage wood, back to its original condition. What they might say, is that they will replace the wood that is damaged by termites, that you can actually see.

There are plenty of great termite companies out there and this article was meant just to have fun with most of them. Termite damage can be a serious problem with some homes and I would suggest that you contact at least three termite inspectors, before proceeding ahead with any home repairs or use of chemicals.

Try not to forget, the only way that a termite inspection company will make any money, looking at your house, will be to find something wrong with it.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Easy Home Repair Tips . Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link San Diego Remodeling Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

What If My Contractor Does Not Return My Call

This is one of the biggest problems in business today. You have some work done on your home in good faith that the contractor knows what he is doing. When all is said and done you have a problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. I really don't care how long it has been since the work was done. If you have a problem the least that your contractor can do is answer the telephone.

Some companies go out of business and others get to busy to respond to your problem. You will hear the old excuse "That's not my problem" or the ever popular " I didn't do that". I have been in business for over twenty years and had very few problems. Of course I built things to last as long as possible.

Keep in mind that some contractors are a one man operation and they might be on vacation. Some contractors do not answer their phones over the week ends or after business hours. So don't sink the ship to fast.

Do not call the Contractors Licensing Board or the Better Business Bureau unless it has been at least a few working days. I would give it at least a week or so. Oh yeah don't assume that the contractor got your message. Call a few times at the least.

It has always made me mad when I have to fix someone else's problems. I get the call when the other contractors won't respond. I listen to the home owner with regret for being in a business where I am considered a crook. This is one of the reasons why contractors in my business get out of it.

If you have the contractors address and they aren't responding by phone you can always send them a letter by certified mail. Request a return receipt. That's your proof that the company received your letter. Keep a copy for your files.

The good news for a home owner when a contractor will not respond to your calling them is the Department of Consumer Affairs. Most states have a complaint department of some sort that will listen to your complaints. Does this mean it will get resolved? NO there are no guarantees here.

If your state has a licensing board for contractors, this will be your next step.

This will get your contractors attention and there is a great chance they will respond now. If there are enough complaints against the contractor and they do nothing about them the contractors board will take their license away.

If your contractor does not respond after all of this. There is very little you can do about it. Hire someone to fix the problem and look at it as a very important lesson learned.

If your state doesn't have a contractors licensing board contact the Better Business Bureau or your local government for their recommendation. Ask some of your friends if they have had any problems like this and how they handled them.

For some more tips about hiring contractors go to

Greg Vandenberge has been in the home building and remodeling business for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building issues that could create major damage as well as possible damage to your pocket book.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Plumbing Problems and Solutions - Repair Manuals

If you've owned a home for over 20 years, there's a very good chance, that you've had a water pipe break, a drainpipe clogged, a toilet that wouldn't flush right, or a water leak that damaged part of the home. If you don't know, what you're looking for and you have no idea what damage can be done, over time, this could mean trouble for the homeowner.

Plumbing problems like these have been around and will be around for many years. Knowing what to do about them, how to repair them and what materials will be needed, can be found in plumbing repair manuals for books. How would you like to have a professional plumber to advise you on your plumbing repairs. What if I told you that you could have a plumbing professional on hand at all times. Is this something that you might be interested in.

Well I can't guarantee that, so let's forget about what I just said and go to the next best thing. Plumbing repair manuals are full of tips and advice that when needed can sometimes be priceless. If water is leaking from the ceiling in your home and you have no idea, where the water is coming from or how to stop it from leaking, any information could be priceless and I mean priceless.

Plumbers, usually charge over $100 an hour for emergency service. I've seen plumbers come to peoples homes, turn the water off to the house, stop the water from leaking and now it is no longer an emergency. The plumber quickly pulls out an invoice for the plumbing repairs and it could be over $1000, if you decide that this is ridiculous and choose not to pay it, the plumber can hand you a bill for stopping the water leak. Some of these bills are what I would consider quite ridiculous, for just shutting the water off.

You're not paying the plumber for the amount of time it took him, you're paying him for his knowledge. If you knew where to shut the water off, you wouldn't have an emergency situation and could contact a plumber during normal hours. This could save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

With a simple home repair manual or a home plumbing book, you could prepare yourself for a situation like this and other plumbing problems. Most home repair manuals have general solutions and advice and can solve most of the problems around your home. If they can't solve all of the problems, they can probably save you from major catastrophes like a water leak.

Most of the time it's not the water leak that will cost the most money, it's the damage the water will do to your furniture, carpeting, wood flooring, walls or ceilings. A little information and preparation can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Home Plumbing Books

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Basic Home Electrical Wiring - For the Do it Yourself Home Electrician

The Green Bay Packers were one of the most successful football teams and Vince Lombardi said something to them that I will never forget," This is a football." All the football players laughed and he said that we're going to start with the basics and that's what I'm going to do, with this article.

Let's start with our electrical wire, the two most common electrical wire sizes, that will be used in most homes, will be 14 and 12 gauge electrical wire. Let's clear something up, right off the bat, the smaller the number, the larger the wire. In other words a 12 gauge electrical wire is a little bit larger and will carry more electricity, for longer distances than a 14 gauge wire.

What about electrical outlet plugs? These plugs are usually the same, except for the fact that they come in different colors. When I said that most electrical plugs are the same, I'm talking about your standard wall outlet plug. There are different electrical plugs that will be used for air conditioners and some kitchen appliances like 220 Volt electric stoves and ovens.

What about your home's light switches? Your standard two way light switch will usually turn a one light on or a group of lights on, from one location. A three way light switch will usually turn one light on or a group of lights on from two different locations. A four way light switch, will usually turn one light or a group of lights on from three different locations.

It doesn't get any more basic than that. I hope this gives you a better understanding about your home's electrical system.

If you're really interested in learning more about remodeling, new home construction, home maintenance, home repairs and really want to get the nuts and bolts of home improvement. Visit our web site and select from the best-selling home building books on the Internet.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection pictures or home building ideas.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Basic Home Electrical Wiring - For the Do it Yourself Home Electrician

The Green Bay Packers were one of the most successful football teams and Vince Lombardi said something to them that I will never forget," This is a football." All the football players laughed and he said that we're going to start with the basics and that's what I'm going to do, with this article.

Let's start with our electrical wire, the two most common electrical wire sizes, that will be used in most homes, will be 14 and 12 gauge electrical wire. Let's clear something up, right off the bat, the smaller the number, the larger the wire. In other words a 12 gauge electrical wire is a little bit larger and will carry more electricity, for longer distances than a 14 gauge wire.

What about electrical outlet plugs? These plugs are usually the same, except for the fact that they come in different colors. When I said that most electrical plugs are the same, I'm talking about your standard wall outlet plug. There are different electrical plugs that will be used for air conditioners and some kitchen appliances like 220 Volt electric stoves and ovens.

What about your home's light switches? Your standard two way light switch will usually turn a one light on or a group of lights on, from one location. A three way light switch will usually turn one light on or a group of lights on from two different locations. A four way light switch, will usually turn one light or a group of lights on from three different locations.

It doesn't get any more basic than that. I hope this gives you a better understanding about your home's electrical system.

If you're really interested in learning more about remodeling, new home construction, home maintenance, home repairs and really want to get the nuts and bolts of home improvement. Visit our web site and select from the best-selling home building books on the Internet.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection pictures or home building ideas.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ten Tips to Create Excitement in Your Bath

A boring bathroom is not the end of the world. It functions well, it serves all of its purposes, but your bath should be a pleasant room to use. You need to stop thinking about bathroom vanities and bathroom mirrors as things that are not stylish and start realizing that your bathroom has the potential to be something better than you could ever image. Here are ten ways that you can turn your bathroom from blah to wow.

  1. Bathrooms should be personal. When you are looking for a way to add pizzazz to your bathroom, remember that your family will be the ones that use it primarily. As such, why not add some personal mementos or pictures on the walls? They can create interesting focal points as well as design pieces.
  2. Shelving can be art. Instead of relying on bathroom mirrors and bathroom vanities to be the central pieces, you can add a singular shelf to the wall, place a few decorations on it and really turn your bathroom around.
  3. Bring in a chair. If you have a larger bathroom, you are probably not using all the space you have. Try bringing in a chair or small table to add some interesting features. You can then decorate the table with something that relates to your dcor.
  4. Think about adding flowers. By adding fresh flowers to your bathroom at regular intervals, your bathroom will always seem fresh and exciting. You might want to choose only flowers that are in season for a constantly rotating display, even bringing in seasonal plants for the holidays too.
  5. Change your ideas on vases. You do not have to use a boring glass vase to hold your flowers. Try to use things like watering cans and interesting pieces of pottery to change up the room and expand upon a theme.
  6. Look at your bathroom mirrors. If you are creative, you can add frosted detailing to your mirror for a new twist on your design. Simply go to your local crafts store to find the materials that you need as well as design stencils that will help you be consistent with the frosting. If you ever tire of the design, you can always remove it and replace it with something new.
  7. Change your bathroom vanities. By stripping the bathroom vanity and replacing the finish with stain or another color of paint, you will dramatically change the appearance of the room.
  8. Replace your drapes or blinds. By changing the window dressings, you can create a new look to your overall bathroom interior. Change metal mini-blinds to wooden blinds or take them away to replace with gauzy sheets.
  9. Take away anything that does not belong in the bathroom. This seems like common sense, but when you want to spruce up your bathroom; you need to take away anything that might be causing it to look too utilitarian. For example, remove the litter pan from the bathroom and find a new home for it.
  10. Change everything twice a year. If you just do not know what to do with your bathroom, commit to making one simple change twice a year. This will help you continuously update your bathroom mirrors and bathroom vanities without taking a lot of time or money.

Dave Robert is a VP at Discount Bathroom Vanities Publishing, and an avid fixer-upper who's been restoring old houses for more than twenty years. Readers can tap into Dave's knowledge about home remodeling, and kitchen and bathroom design, at:

Advantages Framing With Steel

Modular Homes - Total Cost of Construction

So you are looking at property and have decided to build a modular home. You may have even decided to act as your own general contractor. You are now putting together a budget. It is fairly easy to get the prices for the land and the modular home, but it is not as cut and dry to piece together everything else that will be needed at your job site.

I built a modular home about two years ago and went through the same process. I had a difficult time finding ballpark figures for many things when trying to budget my project. Below is a list of things to keep in mind when putting together your budget:

1. Utility hooks ups and your distance from existing utilities (electric, natural gas, propane, water)
2. Excavation for foundation/basement
3. Foundation and basement
4. Driveway costs
5. Electrician to wire up basement
6. Plumber to do rough plumbing under basement floor prior to setting house
7. Concrete flatwork (basement floor)
8. Plumber to do finish plumbing (hook home to rough plumbing)
9. Electrician to hook house to utilities
10. Plumber and electrician for a septic tank (if needed)
11. Carpenters for a deck
12. Contractor for a patio

It is important to get multiple bids when costing your project. Another thing to keep in mind is that you should not necessarily choose your contractors because they are the cheapest. You must check with references, view previous work they have done, verify that they are insured and licensed to work in your city. I met with my foundation contractor at a job site he was working on and was so impressed that I chose him even though he was the highest of my three bidders. I could have saved a couple of thousand dollars with someone else but I doubt it would have been worth it.

If you do not feel that you have the time or expertise to manage the contractors involved, many modular home builders will act as your general contractor for a fee. This may be the route to choose if you do not have time to meet with all of your contractors at the job site.

Tim Montey is a modular home enthusiast who built his first modular home two years ago and detailed that experience, lessons learned and costs at

Find more detailed information on the total cost of a modular home at the above link on the Financing page.

Painting Metal Siding

Sunday, September 13, 2009

DIY Vertical Wind Generators - Are They Worth It?

With the ever increasing need for everybody to be more careful with the environment (and in today's climate their money) have you ever thought about building your own DIY Vertical Wind Generator? These units are much like the usual wind generators except the blades are positioned vertically rather than horizontally.

It is easy to build a DIY Vertical Wind Generator from plans for normal wind generators. All that is needed is to turn the blades vertical. All the components need to build a DIY Vertical Wind Generator can be found in your local DIY store for as little as $200.

So why build a DIY Vertical Wind Generator rather than a normal wind generator? Since the blades are positioned vertically rather than horizontally you have the option of putting more blade units on the generator since there is more space. It won't necessarily generate more energy but it will allow the blades to become more sensitive to wind, allowing for power to be generated even in slight breezes; something that is not always possible with the conventional wind units.

The units can also be built to be much more compact that the usual wind turbines. This makes them ideal for people who do not have a lot of outside or roof space and can even be set up to sit on apartment balconies or outside walls. You don't even need a stand that rotates with the wind as the blades are sensitive even in a fixed position. The electronic side of setting up the DIY vertical wind generator is not all that complicated either. There are plenty of electronic blueprints out there that will show you how to set this up.

If self-sufficiency is what you are after then you will probably need at lease three to four units. If you want to ensure that you will still have power during a power outage then you will need to fit batteries to the unit. This allows electricity to be stored and be readily available to use. The downside is that these batteries can increase the cost of building the units. My suggestion would be to have a few units with batteries and the other directly connected to the grid. This would allow essential energy to be provided in cases of power outages.

DIY Vertical Wind Generators are ideal for supplying your household energy needs for a fraction of the cost of commercial units. They are easy to build and don't cost the earth.

Building Safe Stairs

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Take the Job Then Do it Right

If you have an older home there's a good chance you have one by six diagonal floor sheeting and some of the knots have fallen out by now. Some of these large knots can create safety hazards for your home. Performing major remodels or whole house renovations on older homes you can run into quite a few problems with these kinds of wood floors.

One of the first things I do is remove the carpeting and padding. This exposes the floor sheeting for further examination. By the time I am done with all the plumbing and electrical repairs underneath the subfloor it seems that some of the 1 x 6 has been damaged. Your first thought of course is just to replace the 1 x 6 that is damaged and be done with it.

This is one way to approach the problem, another is to repair the 1 x 6 that was damaged and install half inch plywood over the existing floor sheeting. Please make sure the floor is level and has no humps or dips in it before you start installing the new plywood over the existing floor sheeting.

I ran into a problem like this on one job where the contractor was in a hurry to finish the flooring and chose to go right over the existing floor that was out of level. The bad part about this is when the homeowner chose to go with expensive wood flooring throughout his home. When you walked in to the front of his house you felt like you were going out to a small wheelchair ramp for about 10 feet and then of course it felt like you were going down for another 6 feet.

In order to repair this properly it would've taken the other contractor about 24 hours to repair the floor. In this case the homeowner would have been glad to pay for the repair after the fact. Sometimes when contractors mention a potential problem down the road and how much it will cost to repair that problem, most homeowners cannot see the value in the contractor's opinion at that time.

I felt sorry for the homeowner because this was not what he wanted and he was upset with the contractor but the job was done. This is my warning to any contractor, handyman or home repair specialists. When installing a new plywood floor over an existing floor to strengthen it up, use some common sense and repair the floor correctly or don't do the job at all.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on building and remodeling your homes in Home Remodeling

Toilet Paper Under The Bathroom

Friday, September 11, 2009

Various Windows For Various Rooms

For your house to look beautiful and yet remain functional, it is important that you have the right type of glass in all the different windows of your house. An ideal window glass should offer privacy, security and also exclusivity.

While most window glasses are made up of plain glass, there are places where this glass would not be suitable such as bathrooms or kitchens. A bathroom window will need to protect the privacy of its users and hence transparent glass will not be suitable. In such a case, the glass will need to be opaque. If you have already fitted your bathroom with clear glass, then this can be achieved by either chemical treatment to the glass or by applying film to the window glass. Alternatively, you can also fit curtains on the inside of your bathroom windows although that will also block out the light in addition to requiring additional maintenance. If you are fitting new bathroom windows, then the job becomes very simple since you can directly fit opaque or translucent glass to your bathroom windows. Another exciting alternative is to fit leadlight window glass to these windows. You can call in designers who can convert your thoughts into virtual pieces of art. Thus, your bathroom window can sport pictures of ships, fishes or any such design that your mind desires.

Leadlight windows are also suitable for your kitchen windows. They can brighten up your kitchen and make it a cheerful place to cook in. Your kitchen door or window glass can carry images of fresh fruits or vegetables. This leadlight theme can be carried over to your main door or your children's windows too. If your home has a traditional look, then leadlight windows will impart that ancient cathedral or church look to it. However, if your home is built on modern lines, then clear, tinted or frosted glass will help to maintain that modern look. A modern theme will also require the window glass to be frameless or framed in powder-coated aluminum frames that are fitted with matching hinges, instead of wood, which is mainly for traditional framing. Thus, your glass windows should be sturdy, but should also match to the theme of your house and should be aesthetically pleasing to look at, from inside as well as outside. The right kind of glass will also lead to energy savings since you will be able to save on lighting and cooling or heating costs. Windows will definitely look better when your frame matches with the rest of the house and if you use the right material, color and texture of curtains to go with your window glass. If you live in areas where the weather is extreme, then you can also use blocks of double glazed glass for your outer windows for improved insulation.

Thus, the right glass and other accessories are very important in determining the ideal look for your window and your house. By taking the help of experienced experts, you can easily ensure that your window glass is functional and also enhances the looks of your house. The right type of glass will impart a clean yet warm look to your beloved house and will also be easy to clean in the future.

Rob Mainstone is the owner Perth glass company, West Perth Glass and provides residential and commercial glazing services for West Australian clients.

Concrete Patio Gofer Damage

Bathroom Decorating For A Zen Like Spa Look

Bathroom decorating can be fun and challenging but when it ends up giving you the relaxing feeling of a Zen like spa it is well worth the effort. Here are some tips on how you can get this relaxing feel in your bathroom

You should use soft colors and neutral tones colors for your Zen bathroom. Matching colors with your wall paint, towels and shower curtains is key so get paint cards that have your paint colors on them and bring them shopping with you when you buy your bathroom accessories - that way you will get a perfect match.

In the bathroom, consider accessorizing with artwork on the walls, as well as toiletry and toothbrush holders, towel racks, towels and decorative soaps. You want to end up with a minimalist look so don't put too much in. Consider sleek designs for the hamper and wastebasket.

If your bathroom is big enough it could include shoji screens, plants and furniture with simple lines as well as a table water fountain and some bamboo. Window treatments for the Zen bathroom decorating theme should be simple and plain. Try updating your windows with bamboo blinds. After you get the ideal look on your windows, you might realize the walls are drab by comparison. To overcome this, try hanging watercolors or oriental silks in frames around the room.

While you may not think about it much, flooring plays a vital role in your interior design style so putting in bath mats to compliment your Zen decorating theme can really improve it's style. The best type of flooring for the peaceful and serene style is organic woven mats which you will want to purchase in neutral tones.

For some decorative touches which will help tie together your Zen decor think about a lotus bowl with 1 flower, rice paper lamps, and Asian pottery to accent your room design. You could also add towels that match your wall colors rolled up and stacked in a bamboo basket just like you might find at the spa.

Your Zen bathroom decorating theme can be a snap if you take the time to plan it out adequately. Simply buy the pieces on your plan and put them in place - your room with have the feeling of a peaceful spa before you know it.

Visit for more great tips on decorating your bathroom in a variety of popular bathroom decorating styles.

Electrical Outlet Problems

Thursday, September 10, 2009

If All You Have is a Hammer Everything Starts to Look Like a Nail

We were watching the film Mulholland Drive yesterday and it suddenly hit us like a bolt of lightening. How many times we misdiagnose a situation. How many times we carry on a path not knowing that our assumption have taken us miles off course.

Its like playing golf and only knowing how to use three clubs and having to use them in every situation.

Its like looking through a camera zoom lens instead of a wide angle.

Its like blindly following anothers opinion.

The fact is that most of our lives are spent reusing the information collected in our formative years. Thus, when anything new enters our arena we immediately go to the past to try to make sense of it.

The outcome is: we each live an illusion. We each see our world through some really heavily tinted spectacles. We each act as though we are a hammer and everything that comes in front of us is a nail.

The problem is. IT DOESNT WORK.

We were amazed how easily we fell into the trap. How easily we interpreted what was happening before our eyes and made it logical. How easily we searched for closure.

To make us comfortable we wanted to put things into a comfortable category. We wanted to place happenings in a box in the same way a librarian codes books for easy access. Ah! That goes in the family box. That is rude behaviour. That is unacceptable in public. That shows he is uneducated etc etc etc

Yes, you could argue that this form of coding is important in life because it helps us get through life quickly.
Why do we like to put ourselves and others into psychological boxes? What is it about us that we like to say we are this type of person or that? Why do we want to limit ourselves? Why do we want to sell ourselves short?

Its like being a carpenter who only has a hammer in his toolbox. We are restricting ourselves beyond belief. Just imagine how restricting it would be if you only had a hammer in your toolbox? How can you get passionate about anything if all you are capable of is knocking the brains out of any information that comes your way?

How do you find out what you were brought onto this planet to do if all you can do is respond in the same way to whatever is put in front of you.

How do you develop and grow your children if all they see is the same behaviour irrespective of the problem posed.

How do you rise to the challenges of our society if all you do is apply the same reasoning even though it doesnt fit?

As Howard Schatz. The famous New York dance photographer stated in one of his books:

I told each dancer that when it was easy, it had probably been done
before, probably many times. I explained that only when it was so hard
that it was nearly impossible were we perhaps close to getting something
unique and extraordinary.

Is this why we like to categorise situations and people? We actually dont like hard work.

Is it that we dont like the pressure of being our true selves? Because to do that we have to stand out?

Is it that we cant cope with being unique and extraordinary, so we just want to be similar and ordinary?

Is it that we are afraid of who we might be? Are we afraid that we can be successful? Afraid that if we admit to ourselves that we have talent we might have to do something with our lives?

Is it that we dont really want to find out who we really are and what we are capable of?

We dont know about you but we want to be unique, we want to find out and use our uniqueness. We want to be fulfilled. We want to find our energy source that is released when we are doing what we are intended to do. We want to be in the flow, as some writers describe it.

We have come to realise that what stops us from being in the flow all the time. What stops us from releasing our passion. What stops us from behaving naturally. What makes us waste energy.


Fear keeps us placing people and situations into categories.

Fear stops us from leading ourselves.

Fear stops us from letting go of the past.

Fear keeps our habitual patterns in place.

Being frightened and feeling second best stop us from finding our true selves.

Fear buries the natural me.

A musician must make music, and artists must paint,
a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself.
What a man can be, he must be

What about you?

Good Luck

Graham and Julie

To improve your intuition, initiative and energy levels please go to: Its free.

How Tough Are Concrete Epoxies

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kitchen Redesign Mistakes to Avoid

A new kitchen is one of the most rewarding projects you can begin on your home. After all, your kitchen acts as the heart of your home. It is where family meeting occur; homework sessions are held; and holiday celebrations happen. More memories are made in your kitchen than any other room.

Unfortunately far too many people begin this project without seriously thinking of everything involved. First of all, redesigning your kitchen is an expensive venture. Any changes or mistakes can end up costing you a lot of money. It isn't a simple and cheap fix to switch from a run-of-the-mill stove to a soapstone stove. You better have a plan of action.

Here are some of the more common mistakes people make when remodeling their kitchen:

Mistake: Over-customizing and No Flexibility

Difficult and over specialized items can be a nightmare for both you and the contractor. Not only are some items expensive, but they are also difficult and time consuming to replace. Replacing a granite counterop to soapstone slabs or soapstone blocks costs money. Unless money isn't an issue, it is wise to remain flexible regarding materials and the design for your new kitchen.

Mistake: Changing Plans

Changing the kitchen design plans once the work has started is never a good thing. Most of the materials have already been ordered and the measurements calculated. If you are unsure of going with a soapstone stove, don't order it until you are certain you love the look of soapstone stoves. It will make things much easier for you and your contractor.

Mistake: Allowing A Designer to build Your Kitchen with No Input

It isn't uncommon for a designer's taste to vary from your own ideas on what you want your kitchen to look like. By not expressing what you want, you probably won't be very happy with the finished results. If you love the look of soapstone or want a soapstone counter, tell the designer so in the beginning. Work with your designer and stay involved throughout the entire process.

Mistake: Spending Too Much Money on a Project

The average kitchen makeover adds only 8% to the market value of your home. Never invest more than 20% of its current market value. While you may love the idea of adding soapstone slabs or soapstone blocks, if you don't have the extra money for it, I would try another idea or make cuts in the projects somewhere else.

Mistake: Spending It All In One Place

One of the most common mistakes is not planning the budget well enough to cover unforeseen expenses. Circumstances pop up during your project from time to time. While you love soapstone and have your heart set on a soapstone counter, the manufacturer may be out. You now need to come up with a Plan B. The general rule for a remodeling project is to plan for 80% of budget should go to the remodeling itself and rest for unforeseen circumstances.

Anne has worked on many home improvement projects with a soapstone counter. Her specialties are redesigning ordinary kitchens into the extraordinary using soapstone slabs and soapstone blocks.

Wind Power Energy

In my opinion, wind energy is one of the best energy alternatives in out planet. Why? Otherwise the traditional energy resources such as oil and gas that are going to be depleted in the near future, wind is a renewable energy that can't be depleted.

Wind is also can be used in all areas and places in all over the world, even in shinny countries and areas, wind still can be used to generate electricity. But of course, wind is great for cloudy countries. I'd strongly recommend people who live in cloudy countries and areas to use wind energy for their home electricity

If you want a nice tip today, I have a one for you. Why don't you build your own wind generator to create electricity at home to be able to reduce your electricity bill and save money? Did you think about that thing before? Do you know how much money you're going to save by using wind generators systems for your home electricity?

Fortunately, there are great guides on the internet that can easily teach you how to build your own wind power system in very short time. And fortunately again, the all installation tools can be found in your hardware store. And all these tools will be very cheap when you buy them.

So, why you're still paying for electricity? Why you just build your own electricity and save $1000s every year? It is very nice step to convert your home today and start saving your money while effectively saving the environment.

Learn how to build your own wind power in one hour, step by step guide:

You can also build a solar panel:

Home Building - Homeowner Tips

Like most people you have heard the nightmare stories from family and friends about the home they built or the remodel they did and how things didn't go right .The project took far too long and ended up costing more then initially discussed. The owner blames the contractor, the contractor blames the owner and it's the same old song and dance. What's the key thing usually missing in the scenario?

Communication between all parties

As an owner builder you may look at the process and think how hard can it be, hire a guy to do this another to do that and it's done right? most likely it's not. There are so many things that can be overlooked or go wrong, and you may be surprised to learn that most people working in the trades simply just don't care about quality nor do they care to work with other trades for the common good of the project. It takes someone to orchestrate, and someone with experience to get the job done right.

You may be hiring an architect and/or building contractor and more often then not they can't seem to get it right either, they simply don't understand that it takes a team working together towards a common goal. The goal being making sure your project comes together as you envisioned it, on time, and on budget. As a building contractor we have built many custom homes and in most cases struggled through the process using plans and specifications that frankly just weren't thought through completely.

Nine out of ten times the building contractor doesn't even see the plans until it is time to put the numbers together for the project.

On average most people looking to build will hand off their plans to about three contractors for pricing before they make a decision. Now let's assume the plans and specifications don't have all the necessary information needed to price the job out correctly, these three contractors now have to call the architect and the customer to get their questions answered, or they don't bother to ask any questions at all and the customer is left with the contractors interpretation of the plans.

We have seen time and time again where the customer says, "I thought that was included" and the typical response from the contractor is, "it wasn't on the plans", and or "you didn't ask for it.

Or how about this one, the customer states to the contractor, "why didn't you tell me I shouldn't use this type of stone in my shower?" the typical response is usually I didn't know, or you didn't ask. So many times the architect will call out for materials in their specifications that they saw or read about in a magazine without understanding the application process, what it takes to be installed properly, or how it will adhere to the other materials surrounding it.

The point is, there is so much to know about building a home correctly, it takes years of actually working with the materials, and doing the installations to understand the what, when, and how.

The bottom line is, if you're thinking about building yourself or decide to hire someone to do the build, hire yourself a consultant first, most likely it will save you time, money, and more importantly your sanity.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Powering Your Off Grid Home

Admittedly it's one of the big sticking points in everyone's move to living off the grid; however, it really shouldn't be. Powering your off grid home is simpler and cheaper than you think.

We recommend first making your home more energy efficient. This means getting rid of those incandescent light bulbs and replacing them with CFL's (compact fluorescent lights), washing your clothes with cold water, turning down your furnace, as well as many other things. Your electric bill should break down how many KWh (kilowatt hours) you use each month so divide that number by 30 to get how many KWh you use per day. For many people this number is 20-30. By using some very simple energy savings tactics you should be able to get this number down to 10 - 15.

If you're able to get this number down to 10 or 15 KWh per day then your job is already two times easier because you only need half as much energy. For example, to produce 10 KWh you need to produce 1000 watts for 10 hours each day. With a couple solar panels and a wind generator this is simple. In fact you should be able to produce 15 KWh / day with some solar panels and a wind generator.

What about the cost though? Many people tell me that they can't do it because it costs thousands of dollars to set up a renewable energy system. This is something that is quite untrue. If you buy it new it would cost you thousands of dollars, but solar panels and wind generators are simple enough that anyone with some DIY skills can do it themselves.

We were in the same position that you are in right now... only 16 years ago. We wanted to make the switch to living off the grid, but was sure that it was too expensive for us to do. After I did some research though, I found that not only is it simple to build a wind generator or build solar panels- it can be done in a couple weekends.

Our first wind generator that we built was quite crude. We just wanted to see whether we could actually do it. Imagine my relief after we put it up and it started spinning happily away! To this day it still sits there spinning away at the top of the tower.

Our motto is "if we can do it then anyone can".

Nothing is more true than that. We had no knowledge going into this, but it was so much fun that we would do it all over again.

Andrew Oke is very interested in renewable energy. Check out his website at Living Off The Grid.

Improve Your Home's Value by Building a Home Workshop

Many people have their workshop in an unused corner of their garage or the basement or some other out-of-the-way area. This can prove to be problematic, if the space is needed for other things or if there isn't enough room to really spread out one's projects or tools. Building a workshop can solve these problems and also add to your home's value if it is planned out properly.

There are a lot of plans and instructions out on the Internet and provided by hardware supply companies and there is really no limit to the kind of structure one can build, provided that the rules and laws governing one's property are adhered to. It's a good idea to get a copy of your area's zoning laws to find out if you need a permit to build the workshop you're planning on. Also, homes governed by a home or neighborhood association may be limited as to the kind of structures they can build and owners may need permission to build at all.

The plans you choose for your workshop should allow for the inclusion of electricity. Again, there are many resources on this, so I need not enumerate the how-to's of this. The important thing is that you ensure that the electricity running out to your shop is treated as seriously as that running inside your house - it must be grounded and up to code. When in doubt, get competent professionals to install and/or inspect it. Installations of heating/cooling appliances can further make your workshop more comfortable and valuable.

There are many alternative energy generators that are on the market right now. You have the option to augment your power with electricity generated from solar panels or wind turbines. The Internet can show you a great many alternative energy generators if you want to lessen your electricity bill and also take less power from the grid that you share with the people in your community.

Try to build to complement your home. If your home is a 1906 heritage house, try to avoid installing a fire-engine-red steel structure. Instead, go for a building that reflects your home's outward appearance and decor. Acquire paint and trim that matches your home, so that the home and shop present a unified appearance. This helps the shop blend in better with the property. If, for some reason you can't or won't match your home, paint your shop a neutral color or one that complements your home's color. Avoid an appearance that is completely different from your home's; it produces a jarring note that could be easily avoided.

When building, make sure you allow for plenty of storage space and organization. The cleaner your workshop can be kept, the easier it will be to use for you and the better it will look to a potential buyer. Shelves, drawers and hooks are all excellent built-in additions to consider. Also, consider where you are going to put your waste, how you plan to sort recyclables from non-recyclables and allow for the space that this will need.

A home workshop can, with attention to its placement and appearance, add to your home's value by placing a sought-after structure on the property. A home workshop is something that many people are looking for, which can make your home more attractive should you wish to sell in the future. Paying attention to what may attract or repel future buyers is worth it if you want your workshop to increase your home's selling power on the market.

For the tools and information needed to succeed in the Saint Paul real estate market, look no further. offers valuable information on St. Paul neighborhoods and surrounding communities including Como real estate.

Which Towel Warmer is Right for You?

If you are like me you have recently found out about towel warmers and couldnt wait to get your hands on one! However once you started looking into them, you found there are a few different types of towel warmers and werent sure which towel warmer is right for you. This article will look at the difference between Electric Towel Warmers and Hydronic Towel Warmers.

Hydronic Towel Warmers

The difference between hydronic and electric towel warmers or drying units is the source of heat. Hydronic towel warmers need a hot water supply and generally utilize hot water circulating from the central heating system. Many hydronic towel warmers are floor or wall mounted so they can be connected to your home plumbing. However, because they are used in conjunction with the central heating, their operation is limited to when that central heating is running. It is possible to use a special pump and separate heating tube system so that hydronic towel warmers can be used during the summer months. Hydronic towel warmers tend to be more expensive and typically require a plumber to install. There are no electrical restrictions on the placement of a hydronic towel warmer. This makes them ideal for putting on the pool deck or at the end of a walk in shower.

Electric Towel warmers

The majority of electric towel warmers are oil filled. Once the electric towel warmers or heating racks are plugged in, the oil begins heating it. Most oil filled towel warmers have a low wattage heating element, making them safe and economical. Electric warmers are selfcontained with an electrical heating unit built into the warmer that heats the fluid circulating through the unit. Electric towel warmer are available as soft wired (plugged into the electrical outlet) or hard-wired (wired into the bathrooms electrical system). It is possible to use oil filled towel warmers with timers so that you can preheat your towels based on your schedule. Oil filled towel warmers can leak especially if not maintained regularly to ensure the seals dont perish. The other problem I found with oil filled towel warmers is that if you find a good quality oil filled towel warmer they can take up to an hour to heat up and can be expensive.

Warmrails FilathermTM Towel Warmers

There is a new electric towel warmer from Warmrails that utilizes a dry element technology called FilathermTM. This element is similar to the technology used in radiant under floor heating. FilathermTM is energy efficient, costing only cents a day to operate and will reach operating temperature in only 15 minutes. It provides safe operating temperatures, consistent throughout the unit so there are no hot spots. Warmrails FilathermTM technology is guaranteed not to leak, so there is no risk of damage to wall and flooring or risk of injury.

Warmrails towel warmers are not designed to heat a room but will reduce humidity and assist to deter bathroom dampness and mildew. As such, they can be used year round without adding heat to rooms. The towel warmers can easily be self-installed and do not require upgrading the electrical circuit. The towel warmers do not come with temperature controls however you can use a timer if desired. Warmrails towel warmers are designed to run safely and efficiently 24 hrs a day and many find the comfort and convenience appealing.

Shelley Moore has spent over 15 years in the health and wellness industry. She is a certified Personal Trainer and Health and Wellness Specialist. Her website provides healthy, safe home products that help people lead a life full of energy and vitality.

Affordable Energy Solution at Home

Do it yourself solar panels are fast becoming very popular in many homes, especially the United States where the government is actively pushing for the use of renewable energy. The appeal of building your own solar panels lies in its extremely low cost. Better yet, you can potentially cut your energy bills by 80% or higher. But if you think you aren't cut out for DIY work (even a simple one at that!), don't be put off yet! Here' why.

Think about this...if you want to get solar panels installed professionally, you must be prepared to spend a minimum of $3,000. That's how much it would cost to engage your local contractor to install it for you. If you own a big house, you're probably looking at tens of thousands of dollars. If you ask me, that's still a wise investment, considering the savings you'll gain in the longer term. But the thing is, you're unlikely to recover the initial outlay in the first few years. That's probably far too long for most people, especially with the recession fears.

The good news is, with the government now strongly advocating the use of solar energy, we're now seeing many do-it-yourself instructional guides being designed for people with varying knowledge and expertise. Even for the common folks, it doesn't take rocket science to build your own do it yourself solar panels. You just need to put on your DIY hat, follow the instructions in the guides and you should be able to get your own solar panels up and running in a typical weekend. And if you take a little time to search for good deals, you can get the parts cheaply and the system set up for under $200.

Here's a word of advice...if you're choosing an instructional guide, go for one that also provides step-by-step videos. Nothing works better than seeing how it's actually done. These videos will really ease your learning curve.

Do you also know that the government will pay part of your costs to go green? Yes, you even get tax credits for powering your home using solar energy!

By building your own do it yourself solar panels, you'll not only significantly reduce your monthly energy're doing our earth a lot of good too!

Want to build your own DIY solar panels but don't know where to start?

Fret not! Many people just like you have successfully built one on their own to DRASTICALLY cut their monthly electricity consumption. They are already shaving $1000s off their energy bills every year. If you need STEP-BY-STEP guidance in installing one, I have reviewed the Best Online Guides on DIY Solar Panels for your convenience. These highly recommended guides provide EASY-TO-FOLLOW instructions that will help you save money in no time.

Dave Keller is an Renewable Energy Specialist who takes pride in helping the average consumer save on their energy bills using simple DIY devices... and give power companies a run for their money! For a candid review of the best-selling guides, go to his website at now.

A Bathroom For the Country House

In this day and age the city can become stressful and aggravating for any bloke and sometimes we just need to get away to the country and relax at the cottage. We are looking for and need a slower pace and cannot keep up the pressures and needs that come along with city life. Anytime we take off for the country, we want to be in relaxing and enjoy the moments we do have, and sometimes that means we have to put in the effort to make our country flat feel like home.

One of the places in a cottage that is in need of the most fixing up is the toilet. Chances are, your cottage goes back a few centuries and the toilet hasn't exactly kept up with the times and the new advancements. There is no time like now to fix up the toilet and make it into your own. Whenever a bloke is fixing up the toilet it is important for them to understand the dcor for themselves and for the country lifestyle they are living.

Your country toilet will generally have a tub, a loo, and a sink, so it is important to build on that and bring the best out of what you have. Most country toilets do not have a shower and it is perfectly normal for you to want to put one in. You may want to feel the relaxation of a whirl pool in your tub, and with the right tools this can be easily done and give you bubbles and jets to relax those aching muscles. Whenever someone is in their country cottage, they want the relaxation that it provides, but they also want the modern convenience of their flat in the city.

While in the country, you may want to use some of the famous parts that used to be incorporated in the old toilets, like pedestal sinks. These are great and will fit right into any toilet sink. Guests will marvel at how you are reliving the ancient days and will enjoy the use of your pedestal sinks. If they are already in your toilet, then you can refurbish them; otherwise, you can install them and find out how handy and fun they can be to use.

When we think of a country setting, the first image that pops into our mind our trees and wood. It is well known that a wood floor and water do not go hand in hand. That means you should add wood into other areas of the toilet, such as the walls and cabinets. You can also include wooden pegs around the toilet to hand up towels and clothes while using the toilet's facilities; and many people don't think about it, but a wooden cover on the loo can make it good looking and more comfortable. This will give your toilet the country feel you desire, while avoiding all the pitfalls of having a hardwood floor.

Toilets are an intimate setting and adding candles and warm fragrances will make you want to sit in that bubble bath for a few extra minutes and forget about the stresses in the real world.

Written by James Chapman, a director of Bella Bathrooms Ltd.

Formed by two plumbers from the North East of England Bella Bathrooms has gone from strength to strength since it's creation in 2004. Having hands on experience of custom bathroom installation and products has enabled Bella Bathrooms Ltd to select only quality bathroom products for their online shop. They specialise in bathrooms, bathroom furniture, bathroom suites, showers and bath related products for consumers throughout the United Kingdom.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

How to Save on Energy Costs by Utilizing a Basic Law of Physics

It is no news that everyone nowadays is looking for every possible way possible to cut down on energy costs. Not only is this good for your wallet, it is also good for the environment. Energy efficiency is at the top of the list of priorities even for major governmental agencies and large corporations worldwide. Closer to home, energy costs reductions can help every family in being able to save on energy bills and spend those savings either elsewhere or simply put away for a rainy day. Some of the energy saving methods require significant investment up front or a major change in operating style. For example, buying a hybrid gasoline-electric car in place of a standard gasoline powered vehicle may help in cutting down on energy costs, but there is an upfront cost of upgrading to hybrid vehicles which are usually higher in price than their gasoline counterparts.

Looking at ways to save on energy without such significant initial capital expenditures, one simply needs to refresh one of the basic laws of physics. Taught in almost every high school physics class everywhere, this law has to do with reflection and absorption of light and heat. This law states that lighter colors reflect light and darker colors absorb light. By the same token, lighter colors reflect heat and darker colors absorb heat. This can now be put into practice with the goal of saving energy. Here are a few examples that follow in the next paragraph.

If you live in an area with hot climate conditions, such as Arizona or New Mexico, then choosing lighter colors for the exterior of your car is preferable, whereas if you live in a generally cold area such as New England or Canada, choosing a darker colored car is preferable. In the former, the car will reflect as much heat as possible, reducing your air conditioning energy usage and in the latter it will absorb as much heat as possible reducing your heating energy usage. Following the same principle, choosing a lighter color for the siding of your house if you live in a hot climate such as Florida is preferable whereas a darker shade is preferable if you live in northern latitudes. In the former case, sunlight and heat will be reflected reducing air conditioning bills and in the latter, heat will be absorbed, reducing heating bills.

Of course in the case of homes, insulation levels and such also play a role, but we are discussing this here assuming all other variables are eliminated. Similarly, the choice of colors can be extended to the clothing that you wear also. The colors of paint that you use in the interior of your home need to be chosen wisely also. Using dark colors reduces the amount of light reflected and therefore you may need to use more light bulbs to get the same effect as opposed to using lighter shades of colors and using as much reflection as possible. This will reduce the energy costs associated with lighting. Hence by proper choice of colors and utilizing the law of absorption and reflection of heat, one can save on energy costs without making significant changes in lifestyle.

The author invites you to visit and enjoy great articles and submit your own if you choose to. And if you are interested in coatings, please visit his blog at

The Right Weather For Home Exterior Painting

If you have decided to paint the exterior of your home, then you have probably taken into consideration all of the basic preparations. Most people know to lay down drop cloths and to turn off certain appliances before painting. Still, there is one condition that many people skip over in their preparation: the weather. The weather on painting day can be the deciding factor in a successful paint job.

Rain should obviously be avoided during exterior home painting. Not only will rain immediately wash away your fresh paint job, but it is not safe to be outdoors (especially on a ladder) in weather conditions that could involve lightening. Outside temperature is another factor worth considering. In order for the paint to dry in the appropriate time span and for the texture to be even, painting should never be performed when it is less than 50F.

It is generally good practice to do your home exterior painting in the shade. This means you will have to paint strategically to avoid the sun. The sun can cause the paint to dry too rapidly, which leads to blisters, lap marks, and uneven texture. Ultimately, you'll end up having to paint the same area over again. You should avoid painting during windy weather conditions for the same reasons.

Before you begin home exterior painting, it is an absolute necessity to consider the weather while planning. The good news is that optimal painting weather happens to be pretty decent weather for just about any outdoor activity, which can turn this "job" into a good time.

More information on College Works Painting home improvement for your home is just a click away.

Constructing a Balcony, Deck, Or Porch

Your balcony, deck, or porch is possibly one of the most important places in your home. You or your family may possibly use them as frequently as your living room or television room. They are great places for having breakfast or dinner in the spring and summer, perfect for sitting out to read, play games, or sew, wonderful for hosting parties and barbeques, and even work well as a romantic location for you and your loved one to spend time together. These places deserve a lot of attention, and intricate planning. Oftentimes they are overlooked in building, remodeling, or decorating. You can possibly walk away from this guide with a fresh outlook on your outdoor living spaces, and with some great idea for their potential revival!

First, and foremost, clear away the clutter that is often thrown onto your back porch or deck. Beyond furniture, outdoor toys and items, and grills, your backyard does not need to be home to trash, junk, or storage items. Sift through everything in your outdoor living spaces, throw away what is unneeded, sell or donate the things you don't use, and you've got yourself a great start!

Once you have a clear space on your outdoor balcony, porch, or deck, divide it up into different areas. You can put a hammock or swing on one side, set up an umbrella, and add a nice dining area with table and chairs on another. If you have the means, install a screen over an area so as to create a separate porch. You can keep couches in a breakfast nook, or perhaps set up a table and chairs there for a more covered and weather-proof dining area. With summer comes summer storms, and having a screened porch is a great way to spend time outside while staying protected from the rain.

Make use of a blank space by planting a garden around it, decorating it with tall and leafy plants, or growing vegetables. Not only is it visually appealing, but it creates a useful and positive area to spend time in. Many people plant bamboo to differentiate between different parts of their balconies and deck. If you have a Jacuzzi in your backyard, consider using bamboo as a privacy shield around it. You can hang up lanterns, string or rope lights, and paper lights to produce a beautiful and sultry ambiance. Candles can be used all around your deck or balcony as well. Don't forget, you can purchase candles infused with citronella for a beautiful look with a useful effect- keeping the bugs away! Adirondack chairs are also popular. They are frequently seen at beach houses and in southern homes, and are a beautiful touch for any backyard furniture.

Mr. Oliver is a marketing agent of LifeStyle Builders. The new home builder provides custom home building throughout the Richmond Virginia area. For more information on their New Home Contractors please visit their website.

Saving Money by Using Photoluminescent Materials in Your Emergency Lighting

The use of photoluminescent materials in exit signs and other emergency lighting fixtures is an idea whose time has come. According to the US Department Of Energy, there are more than 100 million electric exit signs in use across the country, running twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This adds up to a total of some $1 billion per year in energy and maintenance dollars, much of which could be avoided by using photoluminescent exit signs. These could save the owner of a typical building with 100 exit signs a cool $3,500 a year in direct energy costs. These days, that's nothing to sneeze at!

Photoluminescent exit signs can save your company cash in many other, indirect ways as well. They use no electricity, which means there are no wires to run or electrician to have on speed-dial. They also consume no batteries, even as backup power, therefore you won't be concerned with the hassle of failing batteries or the expense of replacing them. They require no maintenance, save for the occasional dust-off, so your staff is free to tackle other, much more pressing issues.

These signs have a life span of 25 years, so this is an issue and expense you'll not see again for quite a while. Once the time comes to replace them, they are easy to dispose of. They are 100% recyclable, and can simply be dropped off in the nearest metal recycling bin. If your emergency egress plans change, they are easy to move and remount. It can be accomplished in as little as 15 minutes. All of the above translate to substantial cost savings, both in terms of time and actual dollars spent.

For those companies unfortunate enough to have tritium exit signs adorning their building, the difference will be enormous. Tritium signs have huge disposal issues. They are radioactive, and are tagged and monitored by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). Government regulations require that they be disposed of by licensed hazardous materials handlers, and the paperwork associated with maintaining them is considerable. Photoluminscent exit signs have none of these concerns.

U.S. companies that switch to photoluminescent exit signs can save not only thousands of kilowatts of electricity each year, but the equivalent of hundreds of millions of dollars in annual energy cost savings. This would go a long way toward making our energy stores much more sustainable, renewable, and long-lasting.

These exits signs are 100% reliable and will be there for you when the need arises. They are visible at a distance of up to 100 feet in dark or smoky conditions, and will stay illuminated for several days. This will contribute enormously to reduced panic and injury during emergency situations.

The market leader in this industry is a product called the Glo Brite Eco Exit Signs. Produced by Jessop Manufacturing, they can be found at Give them a try, and see how much money you can save!

To learn more about how photoluminescent exit signs can help your company become more eco-friendly and save energy dollars in the process, visit us today at

Kitchen Tables - There Are Environmentally Friendly Options

The trend today is to be as green as possible when decorating your house. A few years ago if you were trying to go that route, you may have found yourself struggling to find enough furniture to do the job. But, not anymore.

Thankfully, the furniture market has caught on to the fact that people are trying to make less of an environmental impact when they are decorating their homes. For this reason, there is a whole new arena of options out there.

Recycled Kitchen Tables

The key to being able to go green with furniture like kitchen tables is to avoid using new wood metal or plastic. Most new items are made from new resources. That means more trees are being chopped down, and other virgin resources expended to make the new piece.

But, what about all those old pieces of furniture? Why are they going to the landfill when they could just as easily be used to create something new. That is exactly what the recycled kitchen tables market has realized.


There are two possible ways to be green when purchasing wooden kitchen tables. The first is to have tables that are made out of recycled wood. This is wood that is literally taken from something else and turned into a new piece of furniture. This could be from old barn wood or an old piece of furniture that was saved from a landfill. The other type of furniture out there is that made of sustainable woods. These pieces are made from trees that are quickly and easily replenished so there is not a major environmental impact to their being used.


There is a lot of plastic in our world. There doesn't seem to be a carton or container that isn't made of this hard to biodegrade material. Thankfully, there are some people who are keeping a lot of that plastic out of the landfill and instead turning it into new furniture like kitchen tables. Think of how great it would be to have fashionable kitchen tables in your home and know that not only are they great looking but they were the reason many pounds of plastic was spared a trip to the landfill.


Even metal can be recycled and often to make magnificent kitchen tables. Wrought iron that has been used for a gate or other accent in a home or yard may live out its life as that particular item, but may be able to be cut down and used again to create new items, like kitchen tables. These pieces will not only make you feel good for recovering them and keeping them from becoming trash, but also because they will have a unique character that will make your tables one of a kind masterpieces.

While you may not think your choosing to go green with your kitchen tables is a big step in the grand scheme of things, think about what would happen if more and more people were to do the same thing. Each of those purchases compounds to use less new resources and to keep more of the old out of the landfill in the future.

Author Jennifer Akre is a proprietor of a different online specialty shops that provide both items and information on how to effortlessly furnish and decorate your space. Whether it is your living, bedroom, or even your deck or patio, there are many useful tips you to make those spots functional and beautiful. Today, she offers advice on how to create a indoor area with luxurious kitchen furniture and grand dining tables. Each would be a wonderful purchase.

Making Solar Panels For Your Home

If you've noticed, more and more homeowners are making solar panels for their homes. In this age and time, we're seeing global energy resources fast declining and global warming affecting climates around the world. It is little wonder that more people are exploring renewable forms of energy to reduce their carbon footprint. Solar energy is one such renewable energy that is fast gaining popularity. But the thing is...the typical solar panels you see installed on roofs don't come cheap and can easily set you back by several thousands of dollars. But there is help for the average homeowner wanting to cut back on their monthly energy consumption and good green at the same time.

I know of many resourceful folks who have turned to the many excellent DIY self-help resources that help them build their own home solar panels...and on the cheap too!

Making solar panels on your own is completely do-able...many people have done it. The downside used to be that these panels are usually small to begin with and are unable to generate the necessary wattage and can only power simple appliances for a short time only.

If you're serious about tapping into solar power and can't afford to engage professional installers, your best bet would be to start with a solar panel kit. These typically provide everything you need to make your own solar panel system right in your own home or backyard.

Solar panel kits are easy to find. Many large companies like BP and GE manufacture these and you can get them at really affordable prices. Best of all, by making solar panels on your own, you will recover your investment much faster than you would if you were to engage professional installers. If you think the DIY process is daunting, don't worry. I've personally done this, and have seen many folks, even their teenage children who found the process fun and educational.

There are many excellent resources and guides that provide you with complete step-by-step instructions to build your own solar panels. There are guides designed just for DIY novices and these are easy to follow, complete with FULL illustrations and videos that take you by the hand through the entire process.

The best thing about doing this yourself is that you can start small - enough power to run simple appliances - and later expand into a large network of solar panels to even power your home completely on solar energy! And because you've gone through the basics, you'll now have the fundamental knowledge to do this, even without calling in the professionals!

Making solar panels to harness free energy is just about the best investment you can make for your home and your children's future. You can finally rid yourself from the hold of power companies, and help the environment at the same time!

Want to make your own solar panels but don't know where to start?

Fret not! Many people just like you have successfully built these on their own to DRASTICALLY cut their monthly electricity consumption. They are already shaving $1000s off their energy bills every year. If you need STEP-BY-STEP guidance in installing one, I have reviewed the Best Online Guides on Homemade Solar Panels for your convenience. These highly recommended guides provide EASY-TO-FOLLOW instructions that will help you save money in no time.

Dave Keller is an Renewable Energy Specialist who takes pride in helping the average consumer save on their energy bills using simple DIY devices... and give power companies a run for their money! For a candid review of the best-selling guides, go to his website at now.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Essential is Fire Safety Awareness

Thousands of fire incidents happen every year, especially in the workplace. Lives, money and businesses are lost; with lack of knowledge about preventive measures, it's the same thing as letting a thief inside. People always assume it can't happen to them, but there's a saying that it's better to be safe than sorry right? Why risk everything when you can prevent it to happen.

Here are few important safety and prevention tips everyone needs to know:

1. Proper training- Before we can use an extinguisher, we must have a proper training on how to distinguish and operate a fire extinguisher. First aid training is also a must.

2. Proper storage- Some chemicals are flammable, we must place it in a proper storage away from areas vulnerable to fire.

3. Proper garbage disposal- We never thought garbage can start a fire, but yes it can. We should be very cautious in throwing anything in our garbage can, such as used batteries or cigarettes, because it can start a fire. Garbage must be cleaned and disposed regularly and properly.

4. Malfunctioned electrical wiring- Instead of buying a substandard wiring, we must buy those that are highly recommended. We always think of buying the things where we can save money. This is very understandable. However, we shouldn't take the risk when it comes to things like this because if fire occurs due to faulty wirings then you will lose everything and all you could do is regret.

5. Fire exit- Every workplace must have a fire exit that every employee should know.

6. Fire alarm and fire hose must be properly installed.

7. Fire department's telephone numbers must always be posted near the telephone to easily contact them while the fire is just starting. This will help them respond on time before the fire gets bigger.

8. Inspection of wirings on regular basis is also important. By doing this we would be able to identify which wirings could possibly cause fire in the future.

9. Conduct safety measures- Discuss to everyone important safety measures that should be done when a particular situation arises; this is to prevent possible injuries or death to workers. Daily safety tool box talk can be also done by the workers to discuss and share solutions to a possible problem that might happen in their workplace.

10. Putting of signboards can also be done, like the signs that indicate escape routes and exits.

11. There should be a smoke detector in every workplace. Make sure you change the battery every six months. Install one battery operated and one powered by electricity so that when battery operated fails to work properly, there wouldn't be a problem since you have installed one that is powered by electricity, and vice versa. Test each installed smoke detector every month. Remember smoke detectors have saved lives!

12. Rechargeable lights are safer to use than candles during power outages. But if you don't have one, you can use candle with precautions. Candles shouldn't be left unattended and it should be kept away from anything that can easily start a fire such as curtains, papers, gas stoves, among others.

13. Never try to repair any electrical appliances if you don't have the right training, just so to save money for the repairs. Let the service technician do the job instead.

14. Always unplug any electrical appliances that are not in use. Not only does it consume electricity, but it can also be a cause of fire. Use extensions temporarily and not permanently. Make sure it is working properly and carries its proper load.

Near-miss incidents should always be recounted to the persons involved for them to acquire fire safety awareness and also to prevent those incidents from happening again.

Jo is a writer for 'Phoenix Safety Services Ltd' (, a well-known consultant in personalized Health and Safety Training that are given to various customers throughout UK and Europe. If your company requires you to attend a Fire Safety Awareness Training or would like to train you and your co-workers with the basic useful information and skills in knowing the fundamental dangers of fire and fire deterrence measures then have a look at Phoenix Safety Services Ltd.

Water Damage Hazards - How to Protect Yourself

A flood is a natural phenomenon that can occur anywhere that have harmful effects on people and the environment, it brings too much water damage in a certain place. There are many reasons or causes of flood, it can be developed and may happen very quickly over a short period of time due to heavy rain that cause river and/or seas to over flow their banks that may happen anytime, anywhere even without warning or signs.

It is very dangerous, it may bring tragedies, and it can damage your home and may bring property loss. Before a flood could happen make sure that you are ready. Make sure that you do not have valuable items and appliances in your basement. Get a flood insurance, it will help you restore everything after a flood happens. And also, make sure your fuse box or the main breaker and utility meters are raised above the flood level in your home because water and electricity cause electrical spark that can cause fireand to avoid electrical shock. It is better to check your local building officials or city engineers, if you are not sure what your flood level is.

Water damage is any damage done by water like the flood and could also happen inside your home like a leak on your sink. This water damage causes wetness or dampness that helps the growth of moisture-related mold and mildew that are toxics, and bring reactions such as immune disorders, pathogenic disease and cancer, and also causes an allergic reactions like headaches, disorientation and dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, chronic asthma, open sores, rashes and chronic fatigue.

Water damage can cause molds, it can be found everywhere; they are microscopic organisms that produce enzymes that digest organic matter to reproduce spores. They are part of the fungi family; it also includes yeast and mildews. In nature, mold plays a key role in the decomposition of leaves, wood and other plant debris because without mold, we wouldn't have great foods and medicines, such as cheese and penicillin. A problem starts when mold starting to digest organic materials like our homes.

Once the mold has settled in your home due to water damage, they need moisture to begin growing. They can grow on wood, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, paints, carpet, sheet rock, and insulation. To control mold, we need to control moisture in our house.

There are many reasons for water damage and are requiring an adequate care to avoid the water damage that can occur in your residence or place like checking and fixing regularly any drips.

Providing attention to the roof is also very important. A leaking roof can do more damage due to rain than a leaking faucet. With a leaking roof, it is possible to have damage that the water might turn into mold.
To avoid this, here are some helpful things that you should do to prevent water damage in your bathroom and kitchen:
- Check if there is hidden water leaks in your home; it is easy and is possible that you have one in your house.
- Turn all appliances off that use water, and then check your water meter.
- After an hour of leaving your appliances off, check again the water meter to see if the reading has changed. If the water meter reading changed then it is possible that there's a leak.
- Check underneath your dishwasher to see if the water pipes are or not leaking. If there's water near the base of the dishwasher, you have leak and may water damage.
- Then, check your refrigerator; it is one of the usual reasons of water damage.
- Then check your sink area under and on top of the counter.
- Also check your bathroom, soft spots in the floors near the tub or shower, and discoloration, means that it has leaks.
- And also check your toilet bowl; the overflow of toilets is also an obvious cause of water damage.

When it comes to water damage, what you don't know can hurt you! Water damage can result increased of insurance rates, decreased value of home and property resale, and even health issues, if not properly repaired.

To protect yourself and your family from water damage and related issues, here are some tips:

- When water damage takes place it is imperative to contact a water damage and extraction company as soon as possible. Do not wait until the next day.

- After all the water is extracted and the humidity levels returned to normal, it is necessary to remove furniture and other items from the area even if they aren't in direct contact with the water. A high humidity and a general unsanitary condition may contaminate other materials in your home. It is better to contact and work with a reputable water damage repair company that provides relocation and storage assistance for your belongings.

- An extensive water related damages sometimes requires the financial support of insurance. Do not risk the health and security of your family, better to contact a reputable water damage and restoration company that works with your insurance to help you begin the process of restoring your property.

- If the water damage is due to sewage overflow, it is necessary to eliminate contaminated items or materials. A qualified water damage restoration expert can assist and provide valuable information whether or not your belongings are safe to keep and capable of being cleaned.

- Water damage can cause and ruin air quality, drywall, upholstery and even hardwood flooring in your house. It is better to deal with a company that is capable of providing a full service. In contacting a Water damage restoration and Water damage extraction company, make sure that they have a full service like carpet and wood floor restoration, air vent cleaning and upholstery cleaning.

Here are some tips if you prefer to do water damage restoration all by yourself:

- Eliminate the source of water if possible; remove the water by mopping and blotting or sweeping it off.
- Wet furniture cushions and then dry them by wiping it off and under furniture legs place a small wood blocks or an aluminum foil.
- Make sure that you wiped all the furniture dry.
- Keep the draperies off the wet carpet, loop the bottom through a coat hanger, and place the hanger on the drapery rod.
- Open all furniture drawers, closet doors, and luggage for better air flow.
- Move all your photos, paintings, and art objects to a safe and dry place.
- Remove wet area rugs or other floor coverings.
- Remove all wet fabrics and dry them.
- Remove damp books from shelves and spread out to dry to avoid mold and mildew.
- Do not ever use an ordinary household vacuum to remove water.
- Do not use electrical appliances while on wet carpet or wet floors.
- Do not go into rooms with standing water if the electricity is still on.
- Do not lift carpet without professional help because lifting the carpet incorrectly could bring shrinkage.

Water damage may also be caused by a clogged in your sink or bathroom. Most clogged drains can be easily cleared off by using things that you can found in your house.

Clearing a blocked drain isn't fun. It is much better to prevent a clog from happening to avoid water damage. Here are some tips on how you can keep your bathtub and sink drains clog-free:

- You can use strainers in your bathroom drains to stop hair from going down the drain. It's easier to clear out a strainer than unclogging a drain.
- Do not drop soap down the drain assuming they will dissolve and wash away, it can cause clogs in a drain. Pour a kettle full of boiling water down the drain will also help you. This will melt any grease and will wash it away before it can build up any clogging but don't do this in a toilet, it could break the porcelain. Once in a while, pour a half cup of baking soda in the drain and then slowly add half cup of vinegar. Leave the mixtures sit in the drain for a few minutes and then rinse it away by hot water down the drain.

Here are simple checks to keep your home safe from water damage and the mold infestations:

- Check your window frames and exterior door frames for any sign stains, and apply caulk or molding as needed because stains on your drywall are the most obvious sign of interior water damage.

- Keep an eye for any buckling or warping of your wooden floors. Even if your home doesn't have hardwood floors, vinyl and carpets are often installed on top of a wooden board layer that can swell when exposed to water.

- Check your attic regularly for stains and other signs of water infiltration. Always pay special attention to the roof and also check the flashing where the roof meets the wall. Also check your roof outside for damaged and cracked or curled shingles.

- Check how your home's gutters handle a heavy rain. If it overflows then your gutters need to be cleaned regularly to keep them free of leaves. Installing a screen in your gutter keeps the leaves out.

Water Damage Hazards- How to Protect Yourself

A flood is a natural phenomenon that can occur anywhere that have harmful effects on people and the environment, it brings too much water damage in a certain place. There are many reasons or causes of flood, it can be developed and may happen very quickly over a short period of time due to heavy rain that cause river and/or seas to over flow their banks that may happen anytime, anywhere even without warning or signs.

It is very dangerous, it may bring tragedies, and it can damage your home and may bring property loss. Before a flood could happen make sure that you are ready. Make sure that you do not have valuable items and appliances in your basement. Get a flood insurance, it will help you restore everything after a flood happens. And also, make sure your fuse box or the main breaker and utility meters are raised above the flood level in your home because water and electricity cause electrical spark that can cause fireand to avoid electrical shock. It is better to check your local building officials or city engineers, if you are not sure what your flood level is.

Water damage is any damage done by water like the flood and could also happen inside your home like a leak on your sink. This water damage causes wetness or dampness that helps the growth of moisture-related mold and mildew that are toxics, and bring reactions such as immune disorders, pathogenic disease and cancer, and also causes an allergic reactions like headaches, disorientation and dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, chronic asthma, open sores, rashes and chronic fatigue.

Water damage can cause molds, it can be found everywhere; they are microscopic organisms that produce enzymes that digest organic matter to reproduce spores. They are part of the fungi family; it also includes yeast and mildews. In nature, mold plays a key role in the decomposition of leaves, wood and other plant debris because without mold, we wouldn't have great foods and medicines, such as cheese and penicillin. A problem starts when mold starting to digest organic materials like our homes.

Once the mold has settled in your home due to water damage, they need moisture to begin growing. They can grow on wood, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, paints, carpet, sheet rock, and insulation. To control mold, we need to control moisture in our house.

There are many reasons for water damage and are requiring an adequate care to avoid the water damage that can occur in your residence or place like checking and fixing regularly any drips.

Providing attention to the roof is also very important. A leaking roof can do more damage due to rain than a leaking faucet. With a leaking roof, it is possible to have damage that the water might turn into mold.

To avoid this, here are some helpful things that you should do to prevent water damage in your bathroom and kitchen:

- Check if there is hidden water leaks in your home; it is easy and is possible that you have one in your house.
- Turn all appliances off that use water, and then check your water meter.
- After an hour of leaving your appliances off, check again the water meter to see if the reading has changed. If the water meter reading changed then it is possible that there's a leak.
- Check underneath your dishwasher to see if the water pipes are or not leaking. If there's water near the base of the dishwasher, you have leak and may water damage.
- Then, check your refrigerator; it is one of the usual reasons of water damage.
- Then check your sink area under and on top of the counter.
- Also check your bathroom, soft spots in the floors near the tub or shower, and discoloration, means that it has leaks.
- And also check your toilet bowl; the overflow of toilets is also an obvious cause of water damage.

When it comes to water damage, what you don't know can hurt you! Water damage can result increased of insurance rates, decreased value of home and property resale, and even health issues, if not properly repaired.

To protect yourself and your family from water damage and related issues, here are some tips:

- When water damage takes place it is imperative to contact a water damage and extraction company as soon as possible. Do not wait until the next day.

- After all the water is extracted and the humidity levels returned to normal, it is necessary to remove furniture and other items from the area even if they aren't in direct contact with the water. A high humidity and a general unsanitary condition may contaminate other materials in your home. It is better to contact and work with a reputable water damage repair company that provides relocation and storage assistance for your belongings.

- An extensive water related damages sometimes requires the financial support of insurance. Do not risk the health and security of your family, better to contact a reputable water damage and restoration company that works with your insurance to help you begin the process of restoring your property.

- If the water damage is due to sewage overflow, it is necessary to eliminate contaminated items or materials. A qualified water damage restoration expert can assist and provide valuable information whether or not your belongings are safe to keep and capable of being cleaned.

- Water damage can cause and ruin air quality, drywall, upholstery and even hardwood flooring in your house. It is better to deal with a company that is capable of providing a full service. In contacting a Water damage restoration and Water damage extraction company, make sure that they have a full service like carpet and wood floor restoration, air vent cleaning and upholstery cleaning.

Here are some tips if you prefer to do water damage restoration all by yourself:

- Eliminate the source of water if possible; remove the water by mopping and blotting or sweeping it off.
- Wet furniture cushions and then dry them by wiping it off and under furniture legs place a small wood blocks or an aluminum foil.
- Make sure that you wiped all the furniture dry.
- Keep the draperies off the wet carpet, loop the bottom through a coat hanger, and place the hanger on the drapery rod.
- Open all furniture drawers, closet doors, and luggage for better air flow.
- Move all your photos, paintings, and art objects to a safe and dry place.
- Remove wet area rugs or other floor coverings.
- Remove all wet fabrics and dry them.
- Remove damp books from shelves and spread out to dry to avoid mold and mildew.
- Do not ever use an ordinary household vacuum to remove water.
- Do not use electrical appliances while on wet carpet or wet floors.
- Do not go into rooms with standing water if the electricity is still on.
- Do not lift carpet without professional help because lifting the carpet incorrectly could bring shrinkage.

Water damage may also be caused by a clogged in your sink or bathroom. Most clogged drains can be easily cleared off by using things that you can found in your house.

Clearing a blocked drain isn't fun. It is much better to prevent a clog from happening to avoid water damage. Here are some tips on how you can keep your bathtub and sink drains clog-free:

- You can use strainers in your bathroom drains to stop hair from going down the drain. It's easier to clear out a strainer than unclogging a drain.
- Do not drop soap down the drain assuming they will dissolve and wash away, it can cause clogs in a drain. Pour a kettle full of boiling water down the drain will also help you. This will melt any grease and will wash it away before it can build up any clogging but don't do this in a toilet, it could break the porcelain. Once in a while, pour a half cup of baking soda in the drain and then slowly add half cup of vinegar. Leave the mixtures sit in the drain for a few minutes and then rinse it away by hot water down the drain.

Here are simple checks to keep your home safe from water damage and the mold infestations:

- Check your window frames and exterior door frames for any sign stains, and apply caulk or molding as needed because stains on your drywall are the most obvious sign of interior water damage.

- Keep an eye for any buckling or warping of your wooden floors. Even if your home doesn't have hardwood floors, vinyl and carpets are often installed on top of a wooden board layer that can swell when exposed to water.

- Check your attic regularly for stains and other signs of water infiltration. Always pay special attention to the roof and also check the flashing where the roof meets the wall. Also check your roof outside for damaged and cracked or curled shingles.

- Check how your home's gutters handle a heavy rain. If it overflows then your gutters need to be cleaned regularly to keep them free of leaves. Installing a screen in your gutter keeps the leaves out.

Valerie is a freelance article writer. You can check more articles of Valerie in her site,